How to ensure laser compliance with legislation
The demand for laser equipment is increasing, and there are more and more providers - both the serious ones and those who unfortunately only see the opportunity for resale.
First and foremost, it is crucial to understand that all of these types of laser equipment fall under the LASER CLASS 4 category, which involves the highest laser energy source and therefore also the most potentially dangerous. It is crucial to be aware of this risk and take all necessary precautions.
A crucial factor when considering laser equipment is the question of CE marking. It is important to understand that CE marking is not necessarily a guarantee that the equipment complies with European standards and directives. Importers must ensure that the purchased equipment meets all applicable requirements and standards in EU legislation.
Unfortunately, it is not uncommon to find equipment that bears a CE mark, but does not meet the necessary standards. This highlights the importance of choosing suppliers who can guarantee that their products comply with all relevant rules and regulations.
Without the legal standards, you risk exposing yourself or your employees to great risks, but also experiencing that insurance will not cover in case of a work accident caused by laser.
90% of all laser injuries occur in the eyes
When it comes to workplace safety, it is worth noting that around 90% of all injuries occur in the eyes, and the classification of a LASER CLASS 4 laser involves a potentially serious danger.
It is therefore crucial to ensure that all safety measures are in place, including proper use of protective glasses and emergency stop mechanisms.
*The images show damage caused by laser. When not protecting the eye, it can look like the above.
Choose a reliable supplier of your laser equipment
If you want to be sure that your laser equipment complies with European legislation, we at LASR recommend that you always ask a supplier about CE marking and Danish user manual, and that you get a binding signature that these conditions comply with Danish and European legislation.
Uffe Lauge, founder of LASR, says:
"No one should expose others to potential hazards, solely to achieve quick profit based on a lack of responsibility in the market. At LASR, we want to be at the forefront when it comes to safety and information about laser use, so that no one gets hurt."
When investing in laser equipment, it is important to choose a reliable supplier who can guarantee the safety of the product and compliance with legislation. This way, you can ensure compliance with all relevant safety standards and minimize the risk of injury to yourself or your employees.
At LASR, we have more than 15 years of experience in laser technology, and we have established ourselves as a Danish manufacturer who complies with all Danish and European standards and rules. This means that you can be confident that our equipment is CE approved and is accompanied by comprehensive instructions and guidance for correct and safe use.
If you have any questions about laser technology, including safety, requirements, etc., you are always welcome to contact us. We are ready to guide you through the jungle that can be purchasing laser equipment.
Frequently asked questions
We often receive inquiries and questions regarding laser safety, and some of them we have collected in a FAQ, so you can also learn more about the subject.
How do I ensure that my laser is legal?
The best way to ensure that your laser technology complies with European and Danish legislation is to check for the CE mark.
If the laser equipment is not CE marked, there is no guarantee that it complies with European legislation. The CE mark is the manufacturer's declaration that the product meets the requirements of the directives and standards.
CE marking is not a certification or approval, but a mark indicating that certain requirements for safety, health, and the environment are met within the specific product area.
Our best advice is therefore: If there is no Danish manual on the equipment, it is not legal to use in Denmark!
All LASR's laser machines are CE marked and comply with European legislation. If you have any questions about safety, etc., you are always welcome to contact our experts in the field.
Who pays if there is a work injury caused by laser use?
The insurance stipulates that Danish law is met, see point 2. This means that the insurance does not cover if the end user or distributor does not meet the CE approval criteria according to Danish legislation.
The company that has purchased the production equipment will thus pay if the insurance does not cover, and the distributor does not meet the criteria.
The irreparable damage can be blindness, but what does the law say?
- Class-4 lasers require correctly specified glasses and welding glasses to protect the eyes.
- The machine must be equipped with a key switch and emergency stop.
- The machine is subject to a Danish CE approval, which is based on a risk analysis and requirements for components used. The risk analysis is the basis for a Danish user manual and instruction for use.
LASR has Danish manufacturer status, which means that Danish legislation is 100% complied with, and we are your guarantee for peace of mind when investing in laser equipment. We always provide thorough instruction before use according to Danish manual and guide end users in how to build a production cell, so that a mandatory workplace assessment can be made.
LASR machines also have facilities that reduce the risk of incorrect operation and personal injury. We also have service and all parts in stock, as well as testing facilities for verification of welding machines for WPS, etc.
What does the company LASR do to comply with legislation?
LASR has Danish manufacturer status, which means that Danish legislation is 100% complied with, and we are your guarantee for peace
About LASR
Behind LASR is Uffe Lauge Jensen, who in recent years has specialized in intelligent cleaning through laser technology, and now also laser welding. Today, LASR is the first company in Denmark to offer this type of cleaning and welding through approved laser technology.
Uffe Lauge has a long career as a self-employed entrepreneur, where as the owner of the company HYDRIVE, he was involved in revolutionizing the cleaning of fuel engines with hydrogen for many years.
The mission to use laser technology to optimize industrial processes and improve the environment is now continued in LASR, where Uffe once again uses his insights in technological solutions to optimize conditions for industrial cleaning and welding.